I’m new at this, and you’re just one day old, but I’m taking my grandfather duties seriously from the start.
Your grandpa isn’t old or wise. Let’s face it, mature would be a stretch. But I’m not starting this list of grandfatherly advice because I’m so smart. It’s just that I have a 45-year head start on you and I think I can share some tips and observations that you might find useful growing up.
Here are a few things I’d like you to know. I’ll add to the list from time to time when I think of something new.
1. People generally mean well, even if it’s not always obvious.
2. You never want to take a job “for the money.”
3. Everything you’ll hear about girls is true, or sort of true. Take notes.
4. There’s no such thing as a secret.
5. Bigots and zealots are beneath you. Don’t hate the haters, just defeat them every chance you get.
6. Pick your battles. It’s a cliché, but it’s a good one.
7. You can’t bullshit a bullshitter. (That’s what great-grandpa says, and he’s a salesman, so he knows what he’s talking about.)
8. Be loyal, but don’t always expect the same in return. Sometimes people suck.
9. Trust people until they give you a reason not to. I’m not saying to be a doormat, but being paranoid and isolated is no way to go through life. See No. 8.
10. You can be happy without being selfish. In my experience, the two are mutually exclusive.