Saturday, January 28, 2012

Lucas List #3: The Bad Year

Dear Lucas,

I always planned to write a letter on your second birthday, but I never anticipated the last two years would unfold - or unravel - the way they did. I hoped to write something witty or profound, but the words that came instead were wistful or profane.

You see, your grandpa has been disappointed, sad and angry. I need to tell you that so I can tell you this:

That watching you learn and grow brought joy that your grandma and I never imagined possible in a dark time of sorrow and anxiety.

That the New Year may or may not be better, but whatever else it brings, there will be love, laughter and new experiences because of you.

There is one more thing that's too big for me to ignore. One day you will have questions about events that happened before you were aware. When that day comes, I won't have the answers. What I will tell you is that I remember a bad year when the only thing that made your mom smile was her beautiful baby boy.

You have done more for our family in two years, little man, than we have done for you.

Happy birthday.