Sunday, September 20, 2009

This Is My Blog

This is the worst idea I’ve ever had.

Blogs are narcissistic and lame. Nobody cares what I think. And writing is not something that relaxes me.

So, to prove a long-standing theory – that writers just aren’t that bright – I’m starting a new blog. How do you like it so far?

A writer writing for fun is like a phlebotomist drawing blood at home on the weekend. Actually, drawing blood is a good analogy. Writing, for me, has never been something I did because I wanted to, but because I have to. It’s what I do.

Not to get all Chicken Soup for the Gag Reflex on you, but writers write, just as people who fix things can’t walk past a broken handle without reaching for one of those tools that tightens screws (a screwtightener?).

IE: I can’t help myself.

Writing is natural, if not healthy. It is the source of my anxiety and at least partly to blame for my lack of hair and excess of girth. The last thing I need to do more of is writing. If you are reading this, thanks a hell of a lot for enabling my self-destructive behavior.

So, I’m writing a blog. I’ll write every day unless I don’t feel like it, which I probably won’t, and unless you’re sending me checks, just get off my back about that. Like mowing the lawn and regular visits to my doctor, I’ll get to it when I get to it.

Two things:

The name of the blog is Carpcom. Ostensibly, Carpcom stands for Carpenter Communications. If you don’t like it, make me an offer for naming rights or go back to playing Farmville on Facebook.

Also, I’ve posted some essays under Old Stuff. These are, well, old stuff I’ve written over the years. Most of them were first published in newspapers back when newspapers paid me money to fill whitespace. I’m just narcissistic enough to think that someone might like to read them.